Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present as it happens. Instead of focusing on the future, mindfulness encourages us to experience what is happening inside our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Mindfulness also allows us to accept things we can’t change and use self-compassion to acknowledge when we’re experiencing difficulties. Learning how to be mindful at work functions can help us appreciate the good things that happen and cope with our challenges.
Using mindfulness at work functions may help decrease the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace. When employees are in tune with their thoughts and feelings, they are more likely to treat their co-workers with respect. Unfortunately, sexual harassment continues to happen at work functions. If you have experienced sexual harassment at a work function in New York City, the employment lawyers at Lipsky Lowe LLP are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.
The Benefits of Being Mindful At Work Functions
Attending work functions may not be at the top of your list of things you enjoy. Many New York City employees are working against tight deadlines. Taking time out of your workday to attend work functions can be frustrating, especially for those in a time crunch. While we may not be able to change the amount of work we need to get done in a short amount of time, we can change how we respond to work functions.
Using mindfulness to be aware of the present moment while calmly acknowledging your thoughts and feelings will help you physically and mentally. Mindfulness is a tool you can use to get the most out of your work functions. Using the following mindfulness tools can help you feel more alive at work functions and even become more productive.
1. Be Present
The main goal of mindfulness is to be fully present in the moment. Being awake and aware now, rather than operating on autopilot, will help you notice what’s going on within you and around you. It can be tempting to mentally “check out” during work functions. After all, most of us have responsibilities at work and at home that take up a significant amount of our mental and physical energy. Checking out is easier than being fully present at work functions.
When you arrive at your dinner, conference, or other work function, we recommend checking in with yourself and your emotional state. Give the work conference your full attention. If you are distracted during the work function, acknowledge the distraction and then gently bring your mind back to the task at hand.
2. Use Mindfulness Exercises
Becoming more mindful at work functions is a process. You can use short mindfulness exercises to help yourself focus on the present. Before you arrive at your work function, consider taking a minute to clear your mind and refocus your senses. Check-in with yourself and identify your feelings. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious about the work function, acknowledge those feelings.
Perhaps you barely have time to think, let alone engage in mindfulness activities between work functions and calls. With a hectic work schedule, taking short one-minute breaks is even more important to lower your fight or flight response and allow the wise part of your brain room to grow.
3. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude
Part of human nature is dwelling on the negative things that go wrong at work and in our personal lives. However, when we repeatedly focus on the negative, our way of thinking can become unbalanced. Before you go to work functions, think about the reasons why you’re grateful for your life and your job. Perhaps you’re only thankful for your paycheck. Focus on what your paycheck allows you to do and how your paycheck allows you to care for yourself and your loved ones.
Even if you are not looking forward to participating in a work function, try to find the silver lining. How can this work function help you in your career? Will you be able to attend with a co-worker who was also a friend? Will attending this work function give you a mental break from other challenging activities? Be grateful for the lessons and experiences you can learn at your work functions.
4. Accept The Things You Cannot Change
Acceptance of things we cannot change is one of the fundamental forces behind mindfulness. Accepting the things we can’t change doesn’t mean we give up or resign ourselves to our fates. Instead, we focus on what we can change to learn from our circumstances. Mindfulness involves embracing our shortcomings and strong points, as well as weaknesses and other aspects of our life we don’t enjoy. Accepting the things we can’t change at work functions helps us to be calm and more in tune with ourselves.
5. Have a Growth Mindset
Instead of thinking that you have to attend a work function and don’t want to attend, try thinking about how this work function can help you grow. People with a fixed mindset have a hard time changing for the better. People who are focused on trying new things and learning as much as possible have more success with their careers.
Contact a New York City Employment Lawyer Today
Even when we are mindful at work functions and treat others with respect, we can experience sexual harassment or discrimination in the workplace. At Lipsky Lowe LLP, are employment attorneys believe that everyone has a right to work at a safe and discrimination-free workplace. If you’ve experienced sexual harassment or discrimination in your workplace, we recommend speaking with one of our experienced attorneys. We will review your case and advise you of whether you have a legal claim against your employer. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.